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Installation and Servicing

for your
Chain Damper

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Rimpact recommends that all service and installation work be carried out by a professional mechanic. Please see our warranty terms and conditions for guidance on coverage and usage terms. 

How to Install your Chain Damper

Always install your Chain Damper in accordance to your Crank manufacturers installation procedure. Periodically check the torque on the retention screw/collet or bolts are set to within the rage specified by your Crank manufacturer.

You may need to install a small shim behind your chain device to space it out and prevent rubbing. If the chain guide needs to be brought inboard but can't be as there are no spacer to remove, check to see if a spacer needs removing from behind your bb. 

Always ensure the 4 bolts on the Chain Damper Face Plate are torqued evenly in a cross pattern to 4Nm.

Service Guide

How to Service your Chain Damper

You can remedy a small squeak with chain lube. If squeak occurs when actuating the Chain Damper after a service or within a short time-frame post service, drip a small amount of chain lube either side of the chain ring, rotate the crank a full turn whilst applying the lube. Make sure to lube both sides of the chain ring. Actuate the crank a few times and wipe clean. If the squeaking persists, disassemble and follow the service guide, replacing all components supplied with the service refresh kit to remedy the issue.


Servicing Disclaimer: 

We have made every effort to ensure the Chain Damper is safe and user friendly when the usage and service guidelines are followed. However, if you are unsure of your ability, or the service or installation processes outlined in the video, please seek assistance from a professional mechanic before proceeding. There is a risk of injury and risk of injury to yourself or others associated with improper installation or servicing of this device. Do not perform any modifications or adjustments to your Chain Damper unless instructed by the guide or one of our expert team. 

Incorrect service, installation or neglect can lead to shortened service life of the Chain Damper and we recommend you maintain, clean and service regularly in accordance with the guide. 


​Always ensure the 4 bolts on the Chain Damper Mount Plate/Face Plate are torqued evenly in a cross pattern to 4Nm before every use. If noise such as creaking occurs in the device,  follow the instructions laid out in the video to service the product. 

Inspect the Chain Damper regularly, and contact us if you find anything you are unsure about.

We suggest replacing all the components that are supplied in the Chain Damper service kit on a preventative maintenance basis before any signs of performance loss occurs, such as noise, vibration, sticking, excess/ease of movement or high friction. If on inspection any parts show signs of wear we also recommend replacement of those components to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the device as well as safe operation. We can supply replacement individual parts if there are wear based failures to any components not included in the service kit.

Text and Picture Service Guide

Tools and equipment you'll need to service your Chain Damper:

  • A clean work environment

  • Eye protection

  • 3mm Allen key and torque wrench

  • Suspension grease such as Slick Honey, SRAM Butter, Peaty's Suspension Grease or similar (as long as it’s a lithium free grease designed for suspension seals, low migration and minimum friction).

  • A clean lint free rag or shop cloth to remove dirt and grease.

  • Optional: Chain Damper Service Kit when required, a degreasing agent. Protective Gloves and an apron.


To begin servicing your Chain Damper, first, prepare a workspace that is clean, tidy and free of any dirt that could contaminate the inside of the device. Remove the Chain Damper from the crank following the manufacturer of the cranks' chain ring removal guide and then clean the outside of the Chain Damper with bike cleaner, water and a cloth. Ensure the outer surface is clean and dry before disassembling the device to reduce contamination that could lead to performance degradation.


Place the Chain Damper flat on a surface, using a 3mm Allen Key, remove the 4 face plate bolts from the device and set them aside in a tray for safe keeping. Carefully flip the device onto its back and remove the Cover Plate to expose the internals of the Damper. 

Make a note of the location of all the parts and remove them from the damper. Here is a list of the components you should have for a full Chain Damper:

  • Face Plate (also referred to as a Mount Plate, has the crank mounting pattern)

  • Cover Plate (the back half of the device)

  • Chain Ring (with a bush pressed into the centre)

  • 4x Elastomers

  • 4x Thrust Bushes

  • 2x Springs

  • 2x X-rings

  • 1x O-ring

Clean and Degrease

With the parts disassembled, remove the old grease with a shop cloth, rag or parts cleaner. Once the grease is removed, clean the parts with soap and water or parts cleaner to remove any small particles of dirt and grit that may remain on the parts. Dry the parts fully and prepare for reassembly. 

Before Reassembly

Confirm whether you are replacing the internal components with fresh ones from a service kit, if you are, skip this step. You can inspect parts for wear before replacing them. The Thrust bushes (wish bone shaped parts) should not be damaged in any way or noticeably worn. Replace if necessary. The Elastomers should be whole, and not cut into or damaged by the chain ring. The chain ring should freely mesh with the chain and not cause chain suck or skipping. Look for missing teeth. Replace if necessary. Inspect the Mount Plate and Cover Plate for cracks or damage. Do not reassemble if you find any. Reach out to our customer service team with photos and we will advise on the course of action. 

Fresh Grease and Reassembly

Now it's time to put fresh grease on the parts, start with the Cover Plate (the thinner of the two halves of the Chain Damper, the one without the crank mounting pattern in the middle). 


Apply the recommended grease to the areas highlighted in the photo below. Only a small amount is needed to be effective but ensure full coverage, there shouldn't be any issues caused by too much grease other than grease escaping when closing up the device and causing mess. 

Next, place two of the Thrust Bushes into place and then an X-ring to lock them into place as shown above. Run grease over the X-rings by hand to lubricate them. The X-ring needs to be stretched into place, slide your thumbs around the X-ring, pressing it into the slot. Ensure the X-ring did not twist as it goes into the slot as this will affect sealing and actuation of the device. Smear the left-over grease back over the Thrust bushes and the X-ring to create pockets of grease that will prevent water ingress and stiction. Leave the Cover Plate to one side ready for the final steps. 


Now take the Mount Plate (the one with the crank pattern in the centre) and apply grease just like you did with the Cover Plate. This time however, also apply grease where the chain ring's bush will sit, around the centre of the plate as pictured below. Place the Thrust Bushes into the slots and then stretch over the X-ring. Smear excess grease over these parts.

Grease the recess on both sides of the chain ring, smear it into the groove so it has even coverage and then smear the excess over the internal plastic bush. 

Identify the correct orientation of the chain ring and place it over the Mount Plate. The plastic lip of the chain ring's internal bush will sit flat against the Mount Plate and you can read the laser etching once installed (see picture). Ensure the laser etching aligns with the correct parts of the Mount Plate. Where it says 'Elastomer', ensure the small recessed circles are both within the cut out of the chain ring. 

Place the 4 Elastomers into their respective slots and then rotate the chain ring anticlockwise until one elastomer is contacting the chain ring on each side. Next, insert the springs into their two slots. The springs need to be very stiff to work effectively so installing these can be difficult. It is easiest to put one end in first and then compress the spring against that end. Watch the service guide video for a demonstration on how to do this if you are struggling. When doing this, firmly hold the Mount Plate and chain ring down against the surface it is resting on to prevent it moving. Once one spring is in place, leave a finger gently holding the chain ring in place as the springs can lever the chain ring out of position when trying to place the second one in. Once both springs are in place, the device should match the picture below and you should be left with only the 4 bolts as loose parts. Don't let go of the chain ring for any significant length of time or the springs will lever the chain ring out of place, close the device up quickly.

Take the Cover Plate and orient it over the Mount Plate, not the other way around. Match up the orientation of the Cover Plate and the Mount Plate so the 4 Elastomers will slot into the recessed holes of the Cover Plate when placed on top. The grease and X-ring should prevent the parts from falling out as you turn the Cover Plate upside down. 

Next, carefully lift the device. Only lift it from the centre part of the Mount Plate and pinch the two plates together to maintain pressure. Don't touch the chain ring. Flip it over and place it back down on the surface, keeping a firm but gentle pressure on the Mount plate to prevent the parts from falling out. (A key thing to note here is that the springs will be trying to pop out of the chain ring and will do so if you allow the chain ring to move away from the Mount Plate. It is important to keep these two components held together to prevent this). Once the Chain Damper is placed back on the surface, insert and screw in the 4 bolts into the Mount Plate, just far enough that they begin to offer resistance, but don't tighten them fully just yet. Slowly screw each bolt in a cross pattern to ensure the Cover Plate is pinched down evenly and flat. If the bolts holes don't align and the bolts can't catch the thread of the cover plate, apply gentle but firm pressure on the mount plate to help the parts align.

Using a torque wrench, tighten the 4 bolts in a cross pattern, incrementally until each reach 4Nm. Inspect the Chain Damper from the side to ensure the two halves have sandwiched the chain ring evenly and sit parallel to each other. If there is not an equal gap between the two halves, loosen the bolts and re-tighten to ensure they are level to each other. Clean the device of any grease that may have squeezed out of the seals during installation before following the Crank Manufacturer's installation manual to re-install on your crank. Once installed, check for crank actuation. The crank should move independently from the chain ring a few degrees without creaking or stiction. 

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